26 January 2012

Dipped Pretzels

Chocolate covered pretzels are among my favorite things because I love the sweet and salty combo. Goofy's Candy Co. in Downtown Disney has a counter where you can get a variety of custom dipped objects (including marshmallows, rice krispy treats, and 3 pretzel rods), so my parents and I each got our own chocolate covered pretzel. From top to bottom:

  • Dark chocolate with chocolate chips and a dark chocolate drizzle (my dad's)
  • Dark chocolate with M&Ms and a white chocolate drizzle (mine)
  • Milk chocolate with crushed butterfingers and a milk chocolate drizzle (my mom's)
In other news, I have 3 more vacation posts until I get to new, Anna-made stuff. I've been making a lot of one particular thing that happens to be very time consuming (and playing Batman: Arkham City), and needed some filler posts. 


  1. You and M&Ms will always make me think of Ben & Jerry's in Charleston :P

  2. Well of course they do, why wouldn't they?
